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What type of Jobs Available in Game Industry,

What Types of Jobs Available in Game Industry

What type of Jobs Available in Game Industry,
What type of Jobs are Available in Game Industry,

Evolution Of Games

After Coming Super Mario Game the  Game industry will grow Rapidly and fast. Now not only kids Playing Video games The elders are also playing video games. Now the Game Industry is Multibillion Dollars Industry and now Game Industry is Greater than the Hollywood and Bollywood industries. and also its importance is increasing. now, these days the games are increasing and it's become popular.

Games Like PUBG(Players Unknown Battlegrounds), MiniMilitia, and Clash And Clan the Adults are also interested in Gaming. hands to hands the Game are Increasing in Play Store. The gaming industry is increasing, for this, the Jobs in Gaming Industry is also increasing and now you have good chance to get a Job in Game Industry

for making a High-Quality AAA Game We need a big Team for this there are many jobs in Game Industry, Job depends on what type of Game are Company is Making. but there are some Basics jobs available in every Industry. 

Game Designer

The first job is Game Designer, The game designer makes the Idea of Game, game designer decide whether the game is Single Player or Multiplayer, open world or linear World if the game is based on Story so the game is based on the ancient world or the modern world. many kinds of decision a game Designer take. but the game designer does not work as an artist or Game Programmer. the only work of a game designer is just creating the main ideas for our Game. 

but the question is what kind of Knowledge do we need to become a Game Designer? 

So Answer is Everything. because we need every type of knowledge related to Game Technology. if you are not an Artist or not a Programmer but we also need good knowledge of These Things. and the main thing is we need good communication skills for becoming game Designer. because you have a team to work on a game and there's some Artist and some programmer and all has different Thinking. and you need to communicate to all types of members and you need to tell your idea in others Thinking. you also need to gain Good Experience as a game designer.

Video Game Writer

so the main thing the Idea of the Game already happens and the next step is converting the Idea into the story. and for making Game Story the Video Game Writers are available. they create the story of the game and write the story of every character. they write about what how our character looks like. and they also write the dialogue of our Game Characters. and if you have good writer thinking so you can become a good Video Game Writer.

Concept Artist

now the idea and Script are ready for our game then now we need to draw the Character, and environment before making a game. and for this we need a Concept Artist. and the Concept artists are kind of Sketch artists who draw the Character and Environment as related to Script and Ideas. so if you like Sketching and can make good drawings so you can Become a good Concept Artist.

What type of Jobs Available in Game Industry,
What type of Jobs are Available in Game Industry,

3D Artist

and now we need to convert the Drawing into 3D. for this, we need 3D Artists. they create 3D models and characters. they create every single model, Environment, character and it could be the Grass, Trees, Houses Buildings. and for making 3D models we need 3D Software like Maya, Blender,3D Max, etc. and if you have good knowledge of these Softwares so you can become good Concept Artist.

2D Artist

and after making 3D models we need 2D artists who can create Textures for our 3D models they color our models for making textures they use Software like Photoshop. they create every type of Texture for Grass, Trees, Ground, etc. they provide good Textures for our 3D models for making our models beautiful. 


And the next Job Available in Game Industry is for animators. they provide every type of animation to our 3D model. they create animations like Walking animation talking animation death animation fighting animation and every possible animation for our game. A 3D Artist can also work as an animator but in big companies, the animator could be different from a 3D artist. and for making an Animator we need knowledge About Maya, Blender, 3Ds Max, etc. and for becoming Animator we need good knowledge about this Software.

Environment or Level Designer

our game assets(3D models) are ready now we need an Environment or Level Designer. a Level Designer decides how our Game looks Likes and the Environment Designer use 3D assets and create a beautiful environment. most people thought that this is a very simple job people thought that we just need to place Game Assets. But this is a very difficult task because in a Game it could be a Thousand assets and sometimes a million when if The Game is High Quality. and for placing everything and Creating an Environment is very difficult. 

So the question is what do we need to Learn for becoming an Environment or Level Designer? 

and the answer is that we just need to learn A Game Engine. we need good knowledge about a Game Engine it could be Unity, Unreal, Cry Engine, etc. because we import assets in these Game Engines and can Create a Beautiful Environment. if you like Games Like City Buildings and also like creating environments so you can learn a Game Engine and can Become A Environment or Level Designer.

Game Developers

so the Graphics of the Game are very good but if the gameplay is not good so there's no profit in the Game. and for this, we need developers that can create Gameplays for games. The game designer creates the heart of the Game like the Game Developer Creates the Brain of the game. Game Developer Design The Physics System of our game and also Create a Fighting Mechanism, how our Character fights with other characters, and how the Health decrease during Fighting. and another Hand the Game Developers also Creates the AI(Artificial Intelligence) of our Game. the AI(Artificial Intelligence

Decide how a Character interact with other Character and decide Multiple Endings and controls everything in the Game except Main Player. if you want to become a Game Developer for this you need to Expert in Game Programming. if you using Unity you need to learn C Sharp(C#) and if you are using Unreal so you need to learn C++. The simple answer is That just Learn Programming Which your Game Engine Support. now if you like Math and can solve Logical Problems so you can Become Game Developer.

Audio Engineer

After Creating a Complete Game we need Audio Engineer. who provides us Audio for Game because Game Consist Many Types of Music Like Character Voice, Background Music, Environment Music, etc, and Audio Engineer Provide us These Types of Music.  

Game Testers

finally, our Game was Created and now we need to Test our Game for We need Game Tester who can test our Game and can find Bugs, Problems, and Crashes in the Game. for Becoming Game Tester we Just only need to Playing Video Games. and Peoples Thought that this is a very simple and Easy Job But this can Become boring because we need to test our game for this we need to play our game for a long it Might be 10 hours or more than 10 hours to test our Game and Need to find Bugs. for this is a very hard task. otherwise, if you love playing video games and you have eyes that can find Bugs in Games so you can Become Game Tester.

Non-Technical Jobs

these are just Technical Jobs and there are non Technical jobs also Available in Game Industry like Producer and Market Analysis. which can Control Game Busines.

Attention Please

We Tell you Many kinds of jobs in Game Industry so you can choose 1 of them. this is not important that just learn Coding. The important thing is just to follow your passion learn those things that are your Passion so you can Easily Success in Life. so what do you want to become in the Game Development industry or in another Field? please tell us and also tell us what is your Passion. 


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