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History of Gaming, how to make games.

The History of Gaming 

At This time Every one love to play video Game, Competitive E-Sports or Just Time Pass Every Child and young men Love to play video games. At Present time we have all types of games and it Could be Arcade games, FPS(First Person Shooter), Racing, Action Games, TPS(Third Person Shooter), or most Played/Popular games like Multiplayer Games and Detailed Story lined games. if we compare before 10 years games graphics we Should know that the Games Graphics are very good than past. 

History of Gaming, how to make games.
History of Gaming, how to make games.

According to a report in 2017, the Gaming Industry Generate approximately 23 billion Dollars. But how this industry will Become Success. So let see and go to the past to know how this industry Succeeds. see in the past to know our Favorite Video Games History.

Scientists who make the world's first-ever games.

Allen Turning:   Who's not Know About Allen Turning Born in London. He did hard work in the Computer Field. After three years of World War in 1948, Allen Work With his Friend David Champ and Design a Chess Game Computer Code but this code become too large to run in that time computers. So the world's first game code was created but could not be played on the computer at that time. 

Using light bulbs and video display: The Computers comes in 1951 was more powerful That's why the world's first video game was made and named "The Brain". for showing display light bulbs were used. In 1952 Alexander Douglas made his own tic tac toe game but the difference is that alexander used a video display for showing a display of the game instead of light bulbs. 

History of Gaming, how to make games.
History of Gaming, how to make games.

Physicist William: 1958 the world's first computer video game was made and named "Tennis" which has moving Graphics features. Physicist William made this game to show in an event and this game become so popular. the only reason is that this game was only run on a specific machine, everyone tries to make a game that everyone can play at his own home. 

The MIT University: In 1961 The MIT University launched the PDP1(Program Data Process) Computer, which works on Vector Display.  in 1962 the Three employee of MIT made a new video game called "Space War" on PDP(Program Data Process) Computer. and the space war is the first multiplayer shooter game. this is very game for that time of computers and this was a very expensive game. that's why the game could not famous at that time but this was given a great idea to another programmer. 

University, Boston, College,History of Gaming, how to make games.
History of Gaming, how to make games.

Nolann Bushnell Ted Dabney: with the inspiration of the space war game, the two other programmers (Nolann Bushnell Ted Dabney) make some changes in a space war game and they make a new game called computer space. this game has become the world's first arcade and commercial game. 

The World First Video Game Companyfor this, Nolan Bushnell makes his company Atari. Alen Alcorn makes a "Pong" Game and released in  1972 this game has become very popular in peoples and more than 8000 copies sold of this game. in a few, the new video games companies were released as the competitive of Atari company. 

History of Gaming, how to make games.
History of Gaming, how to make games.

the storylines game was made in 1990 and at the end of 2000, the game's graphics have become more realistic than past. the way to made Simple Tic Tac Toe Game to Gta 5 or PUBG(Player Unknown Battlegrounds) was very interesting. What are you think about the reality of the Gaming industry?
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